Spurs preview

Everton – Spurs Preview: ‘Arry’s Cunning Plan

The defeat to Man Utd prompted great ear-piercing shrieks of anguish from the faithful this week, much to the bemusement of AANP Towers, where the game had been filed philosophically under “Disappointing” rather than “Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth”.However, with our glorious leader and his trusty coiffeured lieutenant foremost amongst the critics, I have my suspicions that the slightly disproportionate backlash was all just a cunning ploy to keep the players on their toes. If this is indeed the case, I raise a glass to ‘Arry,, an evil genius in the making. Each of the players has presumably been politely asked to up their respective games or suffer a Pavluychenko-esque banishment into obscurity, which hopefully means that the wrath of N17 will now be unleashed upon Everton this afternoon. Admittedly wrath-unleashing has never exactly been a forte of Spurs teams over the years, but if ‘Arry did indeed give them a verbal lashing after the Man Utd game one would hope that they will bound out today with fire in their bellies and something approaching frenzy in their eyes. Resuming where they left off against Villa would go down nicely.

More Of The Same – But This Time With Three Points 

I suspect we would all welcome a similar performance today, but anything less than a win would be disappointing, at least in this corner of the interweb. While it is perhaps a mark of the progress we have made that failure to win away to Everton would be greeted with disappointment, it also reflects the fact that David Moyes’ side have hardly been blowing up any skirts so far this season. We for our part need to show that after the wins against Sunderland and Wigan, and draw at Villa, we can produce some consistency by continuing our unbeaten run. Like wrath, consistency has hardly been a trademark of modern Spurs sides, but Champions League qualification will require it to some extent.

Our rivals have picked up their points this weekend, which adds pressure, although this can hardly be a cause for complaint. If we are to make fourth it will have to be on merit; that our competitors will regularly collect wins is to be expected. The ball remains in our court.

Team News 

After another underwhelming performance in midweek, Robbie Keane can consider himself mighty fortunate if he starts today. White Hart Lane may reverberate each week to lusty choruses of “There’s Only One Keano”, but such refrains only seem to punctuate the grumblings amongst fans about his performances.

On a brighter note, Niko Kranjcar has been in sparkling form on the left in recent weeks, and with Lennon’s crossing from the other flank having noticeably improved there ought to be good reason to sit up and take note whenever we win possession.

I know I ought to let it go, but with each passing week I stare at the Premiership table and ruefully recall the three points dropped at home to Stoke. A win away to Everton would go some way to healing that particular wound.


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3 replies on “Everton – Spurs Preview: ‘Arry’s Cunning Plan”

You are not alone, the Stoke loss was bloody in-excusable and those three points would put our collective bacon in a far better position than we are today… Shame.

Well, here we go again, bottled it, out fought by a by a reserve team for the 2nd time inside a week, top four? 6/7th on a good day, who are they going to blame this time?, you can be sure it wont be themselves.
Liverpool/City/Villa must be shitting themselves………………… not!

These are teams above us with head scratching results Burnley 1-0 Man Utd. Wigan 3-1Chelsea West Ham 2-2 Arsenal. Are they better Teams no so don’t quote Everton reserves. Utd have just made a mockery of football and raised a few eyebrows with the team they finished with at West ham and kept a clean sheet unbelievable What must West ham fans think of that and now we have Wolves player jodie Craddock who have bean every teams three point banker away from home saying we can shock spurs if we play like we did against Bolton with a high tempo the very words Megson used for is team when we drew ..He could be right Stoke did it Everton did it Man Utd reserves did it .We need to ask Davspurs along with the FA UK sport is this high tempo legal because if its not then we are cheating our fans by playing normal speed and helping desperate teams get points and making Spurs fans feel like they are on a roller coaster.We need a drum banger on Ephedrine to bang that high tempo beat to that old song run run run run away and score late Goals .

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